Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Notes That Silence Holds

 I had never paid attention to how important a soundtrack can be. The other day, while watching a movie, I couldn’t focus because of the “noise” from its soundtrack. It was completely mismatched with the film. You know when you’re watching, and suddenly, a dark scene comes with an almost funereal tune? Or when the scene is joyful, and the soundtrack follows the feeling? But in that movie, the music was always incredibly loud—louder than the dialogue and totally out of sync with the scenes. It was as if the excess sound was stealing the story.

After that, making an analogy, I started thinking about the movie of our lives. So often, we crave peace, yet we’re surrounded by noise or exhausting relationships, when the defining moments of our journey bring their own music—one we can barely hear.

And isn’t silence a precious pause? Every human being needs it to absorb life’s notes, to organize the melody the heart insists on playing. But when the soundtrack is too loud, the dialogues become inaudible. Life is the same way: the distractions of social media, the noise of the media, our phones, this frantic pace of modern days can drown out our inner voice and disconnect us from who we truly are.

In life’s melody, it’s the little things that guide our emotions: the laughter of a loved one, a warm cup of coffee, an unexpected hug, freshly baked bread (isn’t it, DiLucas?), a child’s spontaneity, the good news from a dear friend, a child’s achievement, a medical test overcome, a renewed hope. Everything has its right music.

Without a doubt, every choice we make, every silence we respect, every noise we embrace gradually composes the music of our soul.

That’s why, at the beginning of the year, I decided to adjust my “soundtrack” and carefully choose the sounds I want around me. I want the music of my life not to be imposed by the world’s noise but conducted by the harmony of what truly matters. Because, in the end, we are nothing more than the song we leave in the air—a subtle echo, wandering through the notes of time, dancing among memories, and persisting even after the silence.

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