Sunday, June 27, 2010


The mystery of love
is hidden deep in the soul
in a swallowed sight
in a lost look
a distance

The mystery of love
is stored in flaming hearts
in a body that asks for caresses
in extended hands
in the absence of words

The mystery of love
is not written in books
but engraved in skin inscriptions
shinning with the sweat of struggle
surrendering submissive

The mystery of love
is on a wet mouth kiss
in the silence that happens
between sighs and sobs
in the hand that rouses

The mystery of love
is in not knowing
just a release of senses
no questions, no answers
interpreting gestures

The mystery of love
combines with the unknown
love it! there is no plausible explanation
for the mad and audible beats
of a racing heart

The mystery of love
is in the look given
in the body that softens
in the languid look that pierces the soul
in a moment you can’t forget

Mary Fioratti

1 comment:

  1. Olá amiga! Passando para me desculpar, pois somente agora descobri o !Poemas do Cotidiano". É que resolvi dar uma geral e o encontrei como seguidor. Como não tem a foto de identificação do perfil, não aparece no início dos seguidores. Mas tudo está resolvido e com certeza, passarei a receber as atualizações, pois me tornei seguidor.

    Belo poema, muito profundo e dotado de muita sensibilidade.

    Beijos pra ti e para os teus.

